Requests for a change of Dual Admission program, transition year, or gap semester will be considered under special circumstances. These may be submitted by clicking on the Dual Request Form button below during the review periods, filling out the Dual Request form in its entirety and submitting electronically. Requests are reviewed twice a year, between January 5 to January 15 (after Fall semester) or May 5 to May 15 (after Winter semester) each year, no earlier than 24 credits have been earned at NSU, and no later than the January deadline one full year and a half prior to the original expected transition date to the graduate/professional program, or requested transition date, whichever is earlier. For example, students who are scheduled to transition in 2025, or request to switch to transition in 2025, must submit their requests no later than January 15, 2024. 

Dual admission students are expected to maintain full-time attendance as undergraduate students every fall and winter semester, and transition on time as outlined in their student agreements. Any exceptions, such as a gap semester at the end or taking less credits during a final semester, must be requested in advance following the deadlines and requirements mentioned above. A medical leave of absence must be requested in our office with appropriate documentation following the appropriate university process. 

Students must be in good academic standing in their current Dual Admission program in order to be considered for a change request. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate a switch into our higher demand programs. Students who are approved for a change are subject to the requirements in place in their new program and/or transition year at the time of the change.

Students should discuss these plans and possible implications with their academic advisors, and verify any potential financial aid impact, prior to submitting these requests. 

*All requests should include a detailed rationale and a proposed academic plan outlining how the remaining courses will be completed.

Form will be available during review window periods detailed above.

Disclaimer: Requests such as program change requests when the student is in their transition year, gap year requests, gap semester requests that are not a final semester, and requests when a student is not in good academic standing will not be considered.