NSU Sharks are, by nature, agents of change. If you’re dedicated to raising awareness around global issues and passionate about building a diverse community, then the Hochberg-Miniaci Razor’s Edge Global Scholars Program at Nova Southeastern University is for you.

As a Global Scholar, you’ll develop skills that will prepare you to make an impact in your community while also building the potential for an international career. You’ll also receive a $22,000 - $25,000 annual scholarship package and earn a minor in Global Engagement. Previous scholars have landed positions working abroad and earned fellowships with international organizations.

Program Overview and Objectives

NSU’s Razor’s Edge Global Scholars Program is designed for the next generation of leaders and change agents dedicated to engaging others in global citizenship.

Students sit at a desk with a laptop working together on a project

Razor’s Edge Global Scholars Get Tools to Make an International Impact

A Minor
Coursework in Global Engagement
A Scholarship
Annual $22,000 - $25,000 Scholarship Package
A Broad Network
Build Future Connections with Your Peers
An Edge
Unique Hands-on Experience to Boost Your Skills and Resume


Program and Minor Requirements

 Earn a Minor in Global Engagement

As a Global Scholar, you’ll earn a 16 credit minor in Global Engagement (available only to Razor’s Edge Global Scholars) to enhance your critical-thinking, problem-solving, and knowledge about global leadership, global communication, and global studies.  Excelling in these minor courses positions you to use newfound tools and knowledge to make a difference on the NSU campus, in the local community, and beyond!

To earn the minor, you must complete 16 credit hours, including:

(RAZG 1470
Global Leadership
/Credits: 3)
(INST 1500
Global Issues
/Credits: 3)
(RAZG 1480
Communication in Global Contexts
/Credits: 3)
(RAZG 1490
Global Engagement
/Credits: 3)
(RAZG 1555
Perspectives in Global Studies
/Credits: 3)
(RAZG 1503
Global Engagement Portfolio
/Credits: 1)


Earn a grade of “B” (3.0) or better in each undergraduate course used to satisfy the minor, maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA, and 3.0 or better in each RAZG and other minor courses.

What Else Do We Expect From Our Global Scholars?

You’ll come to NSU with an intelligent and curious mind destined for success.  Through the Razor’s Edge Global Program, you’ll learn to channel your thoughts, ideas, and become change agents as a future leader in a world of global citizens.

Academic Requirements at a Glance

3.0 Cumulative
Minor GPA
B/3.0 or Better in All Undergraduate Courses
Pass Classes
A Failing Grade May Result in Probation
Full Time
Must Be Full Time Until Last Semester

Connect with the Razor’s Edge Global Program

Ready to dive in? We’re here to help!

Program Contact

If you have any questions about the program, please email razorsedgeglobal@nova.edu or call (954) 262-7420.


Prospective Students

Connect with an admissions counselor to learn more about the application process.

Learn How to Apply

Student talking with his career coach

Current Razor’s Edge Global Scholars

Get in touch with your career and academic success coach if you have questions about coursework or to chat about future career goals.

Connect With Your Counselor