Whether you’re looking to take a more active role in the classroom, establish yourself as a leader in a student organization, or become the captain of your athletic team, the Hochberg-Miniaci Razor’s Edge Leadership Scholars Program at NSU Florida could be right for you.

As a Leadership Scholar, you’ll develop skills and relationships that will prepare you to make an impact in your community and in your future career. You’ll also receive a $25,000 annual scholarship package and earn a minor in experiential leadership.

Program Overview and Objectives

Learn. Lead. Achieve. These are the three core tenants of the Razor’s Edge Leadership Scholars Program creed. As a Leadership Scholar, you’ll live by this creed and work with your peers to increase student engagement at NSU.

Being a part of the Razor's Edge Leadership program has not only challenged me to grow within my own leadership, but it has also allowed me to explore other leadership styles and apply them in my organizations on campus. The ability to learn from the REL staff as well as fellow student leaders has created a collaborative community that encourages both, personal and professional growth.

Nina L. | REL Class of 2024

Key Skills and Experience Gained

  • Leadership
  • Service
  • Inspiration
  • Honor
  • Innovation
  • Dedication
  • Enthusiasm

The NSU Edge

With the help of proven leaders and faculty and staff members, you’ll gain the skills necessary to inspire those around you and make a significant impact on the NSU community. Sharks become immersed in campus life through student organizations, service projects, mentorship, and leadership workshops.

YEAR ONE: Discover

As a first-year student, you’ll focus on building relationships inside and outside the classroom. You’ll learn about the university’s history, values, and signature events as you begin your leadership journey at NSU. You’ll learn how to give back through community service. 


  • RAZL 1000 - Self Leadership
  • RAZL 2000 - Connecting with Others


This year, you’ll focus on shaping your leadership journey, outlining the actions you’ll take to inspire students and leave a legacy at NSU. Along the way, you’ll deepen relationships with fellow students and faculty and staff members.


  • RAZL 3030 - Applied Leadership
  • Leadership Minor Elective

YEAR THREE: Experience

You’ve spent two years honing your leadership skills and determining how you will make your mark at NSU. You’ll find yourself taking on leadership positions in student organizations and other campus activities and becoming a role model to the NSU community. Start your own club or sports team, write legislation for the student government, plan a service trip, or become a Shark Preview leader or resident assistant.


  • RAZL 3500 - Leading Others
  • Leadership Minor Elective


Year four is the culmination of your hard work. With all the experience and knowledge you’ve acquired during your first three years, you’re well prepared to guide younger Leadership Scholars. Run for president of student government, or become a team captain. This is when all your dedication pays off and you start to see the results of your leadership skills as you prepare to graduate.


  • Leadership Minor Elective
  • RAZL 4000 - Leading Change

What Can You Gain as a Razor’s Edge Leadership Scholar?

A Minor

Coursework in Experiential Leadership

A Scholarship

Annual $25,000 Scholarship Package

A Network

Long-lasting Friendships That Become Successful Career Connections

An Edge

Unique Hands-on Experiences That Boost Your Skills and Résumé

Program and Minor Requirements

Earn a Minor in Experiential Leadership

Leadership Scholars are required to excel in their minor courses and combine what they learn inside the classroom with their experience building campus activities. To earn the minor, you must complete 16 credit hours, including:

  • RAZL 1000 - Self Leadership (1 credit)
  • RAZL 2000 - Connecting with Others (1 credit)
  • RAZL 3030 - Applied Leadership (3 credits)
  • RAZL 3500 - Leading Others (1 credit)
  • RAZL 4000 - Leading Change (1 credit)
  • Three Leadership Electives (9 credits / 3 credits each)

Required GPA: Earn a grade of “B” (3.0) or better in each undergraduate course used to satisfy the minor, and maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA.

Image of students having fun participating in a Razor's event

What else do we expect from Leadership Scholars?

As one of our leading Sharks, you’ll discover your passions and live out leadership lessons by immersing yourself in campus activities. Whether that’s through joining the Student Government Association, participating in the “Sharks and Service” program, or leading a student organization, you’ll make a meaningful impact and build a community across all of NSU.

Community Engagement
Leadership Scholars are the most actively engaged students on campus and are responsible for getting their fellow students involved in NSU life and staying informed.

Academic Excellence
Leadership Scholars are among our top students, committed to excelling in a challenging curriculum.

Cocurricular Participation
Leadership Scholars are heavily involved on campus and are engaged in the planning, promotion, and facilitation of the annual LEAD Week Conference. Leadership Scholars are expected to accompany students to campus events and introduce students to all NSU has to offer. 

Serve as a Student Success Mentor
In your first year, you’ll receive training on how to be a student success mentor. In your second and third years, you’ll serve as an active mentor. In your fourth year, it will be your turn to train members of the incoming Razor’s Edge Leadership Scholars class and share what you’ve learned during your time as a mentor.

Live on Campus
Scholars within the Razor's Edge program are required to live on campus during their freshman and sophomore year, but are given the option to opt-out of university housing during their junior and senior year.

Academic Requirements at a Glance


2.5 Cumulative

Strong Academic Performance

Students Are Expected to Pass All Classes

Full Time

Must Be Full Time Until the Last Semester

Connect with the Razor’s Edge Leadership Scholars Program

Ready to dive in? We’re here to help!

Program Contact

If you have any questions about the program, please email or call (954) 262-7195.

Prospective Students

Connect with an admissions counselor to learn more about the application process.

Learn How to Apply

Current Razor’s Edge Leadership Scholars

Get in touch with your career and academic success coach if you have questions about coursework or to chat about future career goals.

Connect With Your Counselor