You realized your potential at NSU, now share your stories with future sharks as a Shark Seeker!

Shark Seekers is a program composed of a dynamic group of current NSU students, NSU alumni, and parents of current NSU students who support the mission and vision of the university through helping to identify, recruit and retain talented prospective students.  

To learn more about the program and explore all the opportunities as a Shark Seeker please review the information below and sign up today!

If you have any questions please contact our Shark Seekers team by emailing us at sharkseekers@nova.edu 

Recruitment and engagement opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  • Refer and connect with prospective students/families to NSU
  • Identify local high school counselors and independent education consultants in your area and introduce them to NSU
  • Attend admitted student events such as Shark Celebrations
  • Participate in panels for prospective students, families, and counselors visiting NSU
  • Represent NSU at high school visits, college fairs, and/or regional information sessions
  • Assist NSU's Parent Coordinator at events such as Orientation and Family Weekend

Your time is valuable and we understand this is a volunteer position. Your time commitment is entirely up to you! It will depend on what type of activities you choose to participate with.

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will provide any necessary materials, trainings, and instruction before you represent NSU at an event. What we mostly need from you, is to share your amazing experiences and stories from your time with NSU.

Sign Up to be a Shark Seeker

If you have any questions, please contact our Shark Seekers team by emailing us at sharkseekers@nova.edu