At Nova Southeastern University, Student Action Requests (SAR) are used to request exceptions from specific university or college policies under extenuating circumstances. However, the SAR must be submitted no later than 20 days after the end of the semester in which the grievance issue took place. Before an SAR is submitted, the student should seek advice from their Center for Academic and Professional Success (CAPS) adviser in an effort to resolve their issue of concern and determine if an official SAR is necessary. If a SAR involves changing enrollment status, including dropping or withdrawing courses, the action may affect students’ eligibility for financial aid (see “Withdrawal from Classes” section on page 69 of the Undergraduate Catalog).
Student Action Requests are NOT to be used for Grade Disputes or Academic Disputes. Any disputes of grades or of an academic nature must be addressed with the instructor of record and/or the Academic Program office.

Examples of circumstances that may qualify for a SAR:
- Medical (physical and/or emotional) health circumstances with supporting documentation from a treating physician, or psychologist that includes dates of care
- Emergency beyond the student's control
- Death of an immediate family member
- Acting as a primary caregiver for a family member
Examples of circumstances that do not qualify for a SAR:
- Financial hardships (e.g., job loss, foreclosure, bankruptcy, etc.)
- Academic status/standing (e.g., academic warning, probation, suspension, etc.)
- Grade disputes
- Travel for personal/social engagements (e.g., vacation, wedding, family reunion, etc.)
- Work responsibilities
Steps for Submitting Administrative Grievances
Administrative grievances are related to academic policies and administrative actions.
Students should discuss their grievance with the party involved as soon as possible.
Students who feel that their grievance was not satisfactorily resolved after meeting with the party involved should meet with their adviser for guidance in submitting a formal grievance in writing, using a Student Action Request (SAR). Prior to submitting the request, students should carefully read and be aware of any consequences if the grievance involves changes in enrollment status. It is also essential that students maintain copies of relevant documentation (emails, medical documents, etc.).
The following information must be included in all Student Action Requests. Requests lacking the required information will be denied. Students should consult with their Center for Academic and Professional Success (CAPS) adviser before submitting a SAR. The SAR should then be submitted in writing from the student’s official NSU email account no later than 20 days after the end of the semester in which the grievance issue took place.
1. Student Name
2. Student ID number
3. Major/Program/Site Location
4. Day/Evening Phone Number
5. Mailing Address
6. Email Address
7. Problem: Provide an explanation of the problem and include any pertinent documentation
as support.
8. Action Requested: Provide an explanation of the requested action. Include the referring
page in the current undergraduate student catalog for the policy in question or any
other relevant information, including specific courses or terms.
9. Prior Action Taken: Provide a list of all individuals contacted about the problem,
including their departments.
After receiving and reviewing the SAR for completion, the adviser will send it to the appropriate party for a decision.
The Center for Academic and Professional Success receives the SAR and reviews all materials provided with the request. Requests lacking the required information will be denied. If the SAR meets the requirements, it is sent to the appropriate college(s) for their review and recommendations. A decision is reached based upon all available information. Once a decision has been made, the decision will be communicated to the student to the address on record and/or to the NSU email address.