Congrats Sharks!
Show your Shark pride with the downloadable swag below to share on social media and virtual meetings. Be sure to use #nsubound and tag us @sharkadmissions for a chance to be featured!
Digital Background/Wall Paper
Celebrate your admission with a digital background. Download and use these during virtual events and meetings.
Please click on the link, once the image opens, right click and select Save Image As...
Class of 2029
Class of 2029 BackgroundWelcome to Shark Nation
Sharknation Background#NSUBOUND
NSU-bound Background
Animated GIF's
After you submit your deposit, start planning for your arrival.
These animated GIF’s can be downloaded and added to your posts and stories on Instagram.
Please click on the link, once the image opens, right click and select Save Image As...
Story Templates and Digital Photo Frames
Please click on the link, once the image opens, right click and select Save Image As...